Shed Business

The business of running a small business from a Shed at the end of the garden.

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Location: England, United Kingdom

A Conservative since 1973 when I learnt that socialism makes the lights go out. An independent since 2011. Signed up to UKIP 2012 and helped win our freedom in 2016. 2020 moved to The Heritage Party to reverse the cultural marxist destruction of our society.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Business

I started another Blog almost 2 years ago, and its mostly drifted into politics. I intended to write about all sorts of things including setting up my own business, so this is an attempt to put things right.

I'm reading a book on Micro-ISV's at the moment - and it recommends blogs as a way of creating a buz about your firm. However, the product my company is going to be aimed at will be in a conservative (small c - no politics ! ) engineering sector. I'm not sure how a full disclosure of my progress towards getting the company running will impact on such an audience. Hence I'm going to keep this anonymous for now.

The company I own is coming up for its first year reports, which in the UK need to go to an organisation called companies house. So today I am mostly teaching myself accountancy and book keeping ..... I can hear the wife coming down the garden now - she doesn't know I have a Blog ( and its wouldn't stay anonymous around here if she did ! Time to publish ).


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